Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Katie and Dane hanging out together!

So, Dane's new thing is grabbing his feet...when he is on his back! This is another thing that to most of you may not seem like a big deal, but for us it is a very big deal! It means that his stomach muscles are getting nice and strong, as well as the fact that he is figuring out that if he pulls his legs up he can get to those sweet little piggies. Everytime we see him figuring out something new, we are so thankful because it means that he is making all kinds of new connections in his brain.

We had a busy Saturday, I worked then we went to my Dad & Brothers Bday party, then straight home for UFC fight night. We had a great time and Dane did well until everyone started yelling during a fight...which completely freaked him out. So, that will be the last time we have UFC at our house for a while or at least until RSV is over next spring.

1 comment:

Jamie and Jill said...

Congrats on toe grabbing. This is a HUGE milestone and I couldn't be more excited for you.

Keep up the GREAT work Dane!