"It's okay, I still look cool Mom!" Where did Dane go???
"Here I am!"
The reply from my dear husband was "yes". I came home from work to see a toddling Dane come around the corner with a silhouette of an egg head that I was so desperately trying to hide with his hair. Yes, Dane did need a trim as the dreaded mullet was starting to appear. I have been ever so slightly trimming his baby hairs for the past six months, and Chad has been teasing me that he was going to buzz him, which I kept saying "you had better not TOUCH his hair". Due to his prematurity he does have a skinny head, the NICU nurses call it a "toaster head" and say that they can spot a grown preemie by the shape of their head! I was trying to grow it out a bit to off set the shape of his head...which I must add is not that bad, the nurses did a great job of turning Dane every couple hours while he was in the hospital to keep the "toaster head" to a minimum. So okay Mom's, I know you can sympathize with me here...yes, he is still adorable and yes, it will grow back...but girls...I was soooo mad at my husband!!! Needless to say I am quite sure that Chad will not go near Dane's head again with anything sharp!
Otherwise, Dane is doing good. We are working on trying to strengthen his core to help him with balance, he is still falling a little more than he should. We are basically doing a Pilate's move on him, his stomach and neck muscles are a little weak and he has compensated with VERY strong shoulder muscles. We are also working on behavior, as he thinks that if we tell him "no", he should try to bite or pinch me. I know that it is out of frustration as he can't communicate with us they way that he wants to. The funny thing is that he only does this to Katie and me...never once does he try to bite Chad or Gage. It also doesn't matter who tells him "no", if Chad tells him know...he tries to pinch me, if I tell him "no" he tries to pinch me. Let me tell you, he has some strong pincher's!!! So, for now we are just removing him from the situation when he starts to do this...time will tell what we try next. He is very strong willed and stubborn, which was a necessity in the NICU...but a bit of a challenge as he gains Independence! We love him though, and we try to remember that it was his rebellious nature that helped him get him where he is today!