"Good grief Mom, enough with the camera!" "Okay, I'll smile for this picture...but only because it's Mothers Day"
Every six months the DDD comes out and we talk about how Dane is doing and set new goals for him for the next six months. I was so proud that he had mastered all of his goals that were set for him six months ago, like getting himself into a sitting position, crawling and more babbling. He has kicked some serious preemie butt in all of those goals...so now we move on to new goals. Of course walking is a major goal for the next six months, but the big one is speech. Speech is the area that he is the most delayed in, he does a lot of pointing and grunting to communicate with us. We encourage him to sign to us, which he has been doing awesome with...he is pretty consistently signing "more", "drink", and "all done". There are times that he refuses to sign, but we take his hands and do the signs for him before he gets what he wants. We want him to start mimicking our speech with in the next six months...that is the biggie right now. He seems to have a bit of an ornery side to him, but for now we treat him like we would any other child when he acts up. Time out in his play pen and stuff like that, it's just so hard to tell what is a behavior issues VS. disabilities. I personally think that he is a smarty pants with an attitude!
Today, we had him strapped into his toddler rocking chair to watch a video while Chad and I worked on a spread sheet for his business. Next thing we hear "THUMP", we look over and there goes Dane crawling across the floor with the chair still attached to him! He couldn't see where he was going because he couldn't look up, ya know these things are hard when you have a rocking chair strapped to your back...we heard him swinging his legs but we had no idea that he was doing it with the intention of rocking himself completely forward! He looked like a hostage victim trying to get to away while still tied up! He took off crawling until he hit the wall! There is no one that can tell me that this child is not a genius...or at least an escape artist!
We are going to try to get a video of him doing it, it was the funniest thing that I had seen in long time!
I know, he looks like an angel in the pictures above...but trust me, there is something behind those eyes that is full of mischief!